Our Services

Tax Preparation

Every tax situation is different and must be treated as such. At EricAmatoCPA we analyze every situation and do our best to ensure that our clients are not paying a dollar more than necessary.


Accurate accounting records are essential to a business’ sustainability. Keeping organized and maintained records offers better clarity over your finances, income, and expenses. This will help you know about taxes you have to pay, when to pay, and how much.

Audit Support

Getting letters from the IRS or your state taxing authority can be scary and confusing. Thankfully, you don’t have to deal with them on your own. Bring in the professionals to analyze any correspondence and assist you in replying accordingly!

Business Consulting

Looking to start or grow your own small business? We can be there to guide you every step of the way. We work with our business clients to understand their situation and treat their business goals as our own. Available to discuss your business concerns any time - day or night!

Tax Planning

The truth is, if you wait until tax season to worry about your tax liability - it is likely too late. Proper tax planning is done throughout the year and can save taxpayers money and headaches when tax time rolls around.